For the last ten years I have lived at the Crossroads of the West—Salt Lake City. The other day I found myself at the Crossroads of the Word—Disney Hollywood Studios in Florida. As I looked up at Mickey Mouse, standing on a globe atop a giant tower proclaiming that you are at the Crossroads of the World, it got me thinking about crossroads in general.
I like the whole concept of crossroads as a metaphor. I like reading about the different ideas and mythologies a crossroads represents and the stories that go with them. My favorite are those that involve someone traveling to the crossroads to make a deal with the Devil—fame and fortune for one’s soul.
I always picture the Devil standing under an ancient oak tree, off to the side of the road where two long straight roads meet and cross. For some reason the devil is dressed like an undertaker from the 1800s in my mind. He is there waiting, ready to make a deal and point you down the road that will lead you to all you bargained for, once you sign in blood. The “black man” at the crossroads was never a mouse in my mind—although Mickey is a black mouse . . .
I am not one to attribute nefarious intentions to Mickey Mouse, although I have felt at times like I sold my soul to Disney. Really though, I have only parted with a lot of money every time I find myself on a Disney property. If I had sold my soul to Disney, I would be the rich and famous one, not the mouse.
I know, you aren’t supposed to think too deeply at Disney, it kills the magic. That’s okay; I was done for the day and on my way out of the park. I was flying home to the Crossroads of the West the next morning. I don’t know if the Devil lives in Salt Lake City, perhaps with so many saints here it keeps him out. If you believe that—well, maybe you should sign up for some critical thinking classes or have me come and speak with your organization. We can work on a few things.
As I left the park that evening and looked up at the monument to the Crossroads of the World, I began to think about personal crossroads—those times when we made a significant decision that set our life’s journey. I was in my early twenties when I made a decision that the faith I grew up with would be the faith I would live by. It’s a lot more involved story, but the point being, it was a time when I made some very significant choices that have influenced how I have lived my life since.
Apparently I didn’t choose Easy Street because life didn’t necessarily get easier at that point, it just got directed. But that is okay, because decisions at the crossroads involve your soul. They are more than “what will I have for breakfast,” kind of decisions. They are the kind that define who you are to your core and become a foundation for the rest of your life.
Not everyone has been to the Crossroads of the World or can live in the Crossroads of the West. This is too bad. I recommend a visit to either if you get the chance—and bring lots of money, especially if you are headed to the Crossroads of the World; the mouse doesn’t grant you fortunes, just takes them.
I do think however, most of us have come to our own personal crossroads at one time in our life, a point when we had to make significant decisions about who we were going to be and how we would live our lives—where we made our decision or bargain. So, how has that worked for you?