It sounds like the beginning of a joke. What do a quadriplegic, a paraplegic, a psychologist, an attorney and a magician who keeps bees have in common? The answer: Everyone one of them has built a successful speaking career and was at the October National Speakers Association (NSA) Mountain West Chapter meeting to share their insights on that subject.
October’s meeting was the one to be at if you wanted to learn how to build a speaking business. It was an afternoon and evening of the inspirational and the practical. And yes, there was chocolate. Foil wrapped chocolate pumpkins at each table in honor of the season.
Tom Cantrell was the host and primary presenter of the afternoon and evening sessions, which included a full complement of other speaking professionals giving their wisdom and tips for building a speaking business. Paul Jenkins and Mike Schlappi both presented in the afternoon with Chad Hymas and Brad Barton presenting in the evening. If you didn’t come away from the meeting that night excited and ready with at least one action item to execute on, you had to be brain dead. It was time to get hopped up on chocolate, get inspired and get going on your business.
Two important concepts were introduced that evening expressed in the statements, Your Power is in Your Process and Your Magic is in Your Mission. The phrase Your Power is in Your Process, captures the idea that what you do, not simply plan for or think about, is key to building your speaking business. Your process is the how of building your business, things you put into place to do what must be done to get clients. The power of your process is in working it. Over and over again, those who presented emphasized the importance of doing.
As Chad Hymas said, “Do something, even if it isn’t right, just do something. Do what you can.” Later Brad Barton put it this way, “Its true you need to be good but before you can be good you have to act.” The message was very clear. You won’t get good or even have a speaking business unless you are willing to do something. Start by getting your processes in place. Perfection can come later.
Tom introduced a tried and proven method for obtaining clients that can be used by anyone, a way to take the chill out of cold calls. His method involves first seeking information from your potential client. Every potential client has a need that they are looking to fill. When you understand what it is from the questions you ask them, you can offer them the very thing they are looking for.Who doesn’t like talking with someone who can give themwhat they need and want? Your potential clients will actually want to hear from you. A copy of Tom’s script and process has been emailed to everyone who attended that night.
The second concept, Your Magic is Your Mission, is the why behind the how of what you do. Why do you want to build a speaking business? What is the message you are burning to share, even if no one paid you a dime? It is your mission that will keep you motivated to continue working your process. It is the magic that propels you and keeps you reaching out to potential clients with what you have to share. Knowing your mission helps you to define the Unique Value Proposition you have to offer your clients.
Your Unique Value Proposition is what you, and only you, have to offer a client. It is based on your mission but comes from who you are and what you have experienced. You express it to potential clients and others with your First Class Conversation. Your Unique Value Proposition is your internal driver. Your First Class Conversation is how you communicate it to others so they see the value you have to offer them. As is usual, a sincere offer of help in implementing these ideas and processes was extended to those in attendance. A willingness to help each other is as much a part of our meetings as is the information given.
There is so much more that could be written about what was taught that evening. It was an active evening of games, exercises, and dancing on the tables (okay, there was no table dancing). There was however, a pooping bear involved. If you weren’t there, we missed you and hope you will join us for the next meeting. One article can never convey all we do and learn at each meeting. It is our hope to see you soon because we know your speaking career will only be better for having joined us.